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Putting out Fires

The last several weeks have been busy, from beginning the marketing and advertising process of Self-Publishing to getting the hang of it and finally coming to the plateau of it. I'm by no means finished but, the process is coming to the point where I have to wait for the processing phase so I have a finished copy of my book. It's back to hurry up and wait, although over the last stressful weeks I've managed to find an amazing editor. I'll be doing an entire article right here on the site about editors later but, when you find a good editor, keep them. They are very important to your book's success.

While I've been working through these learning experiences, I realized something. It would be helpful for those who are trying to get started in self-publishing, writing a story, or even just trying to decide on whether or not they have what it takes to write a book in the first place.

These are some articles I'll be posting in the future.

Being as busy as I am, I will be updating the blog as often as possible to let you know when a new article goes up. I'll even be putting out some excerpts from upcoming works so stayed tuned for that too.

There's a lot of work ahead but, I haven't decided it isn't worth the reward yet so I'll keep going, and I hope you will too.


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